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About us

Roslesinforg is an all-Russian organization specializing in the comprehensive solution of forest accounting and forest management tasks in the interests of the state. The institution provides a full cycle of services to forestry enterprises, which will help to maximize the efficient and balanced use of forest resources in Russia.

In our work, we follow 3 main principles : to give information, to prepare documents and to carry out work for you.

The main range of services provided:

We will carry out comprehensive forest management work for the state and business, as well as related services in every region of Russia
We will prepare the documents required for trafficking in timber
We will carry out cadastral, land management, topographic and geodetic works
We will collect, analyze and provide information about forestry
We will answer questions about the operation of the Les*USAIS* system and warn against fines

Since 2008, we have been conducting a strategic type of forest accounting work - the state forest inventory (GIL). We have a unique database on the stocks, quality and quantity of the wood.

Roslesinforg is the operator of the Federal State Information System of the Forestry Complex (FSIS LC).

Since 2022 Roslesinforg is a federal forest inventory manager.

And more

In the relation to the implementation of the state assignment Roslesinforg 

  • maintains the state forest register

  • collects and processes government and industry statistical reports

  • sets the boundaries of forestry

We know how the forest works and our experts are ready to tell you about it.

IT Competence Center

Our experts create and modernize information systems of various applications, they control them and ensure the functioning and use of it’s information resources.
Roslesinforg is being transformed into one of the leading IT systems service providers in the forestry sector. We are working on launching the FSIS of the forestry complex for the state, business and citizens.
Forestry market expert
Analytical Center which will be created on the basis of Roslesinforg, will undertake analytical and statistical research for the state and business, will talk about trends and give an expert assessment of the forest market’s state. We plan to create client services based on digital technologies for forest users.


The digitalization of companies' activities has now become the norm. It is our new reality. Our mission today is not only to consolidate the forest health’s reports. Now, we are ready to create a range of services and customer services based on digital technologies.

The Federal State Information System of the Forestry Complex (FSIS LK) is the foundation of our large forest house. With its help, the state will be able to rationally plan the harvesting and consumption of forest resources, effectively manage and control them. Business will receive clear rules for working in the industry, and citizens will receive the accessible information about the forest. The open data of the forestry complex will help to attract investment in the industry

Now, Roslesinforg helps entrepreneurs solve a wide range of tasks: from a “turnkey” leasing forest plot to creating a set of documents for the implementation of investment projects on the forest development. This is a difficult job that requires a lot of concentration and patience.

We do not close our eyes to problems, but confront irresponsibility and incompetence, which, unfortunately, are still present now in Russian forestry. We do not expect that someone will solve complex forest problems for us. We are acting ourselves, realizing our duty to nature, state and society.

Pavel Chashchin
State Forest Inventory
State Forest Inventory

История Рослесинфорга

The Great Sovereign ordered to inspect and describe forests in all cities and districts, in palace and patriarchal, and in bishops, and in monasteries, and in all ranks in landlord and allodial lands…

Roslesinforg is the successor of the Russian and Soviet forest management since its inception in the 17th century by the orders of Peter I.
The history of Roslesinforg began on May 23, 1937, when the All-Union Forest Inventory Office (Lesproekt) was created.
By 1957, Lesproekt made known all the forests of the USSR.

In the late 70s, with the advent of the first computers, the forestry industry needed to comprehensively automate the collection, processing, and analysis of all forest reporting. That is why, in 1980, by order of the Minister of Forestry of the RSFSR A.I. Zverev, the Main Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Forestry of the RSFSR was created. In 2001, it was renamed Roslesinforg.

On April 26, 2007, all forest management enterprises of the country with their expeditions became part of Roslesinforg.
Roslesinforg today is a vertically integrated structure with a central office in Moscow and 37 branches throughout Russia.

History in dates
