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Forest development projects

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Forest development project (FDP) - is obligatory drawn before the start of any activity in the forest area. The FDP is also compiled in case of changing of activity, contract terms, forestry regulations or in case of changings of the location of objects on the forest plot. This document regulates the use of a particular site (leased or in permanent use), describes the goal of using all planned activities, in particular for the protection, defense and reproduction of the forest. It is forbidden to carry out any activity on the forest plot if there is no agreed FDP for this. In addition, the project and any changes to it must be subjected to State expertise.

When the FDP is required

  • If forest devastation, logging, processing of forest is planned 
  • If agricultural works are planned on the territory
  • If the recreational area, camping or children's camps, sanatoriums and preventative clinics, ski bases and other recreational areas are planned to establish on the territory
  • If it is necessary to use forest land for the cultivation, gathering and/or harvesting of various forest resources: berries, barrois, medicinal plants, fruits, birchbark, brushwood, moss, etc.
  • If fishing is planned on the territory (except amateur fishing)
  • If operation, construction, reconstruction of engineering networks, power lines, pipelines, railway lines, roads and other similar facilities are planned
  • If mining and subsoil exploitation is planned
  • If it is planned to build and use hydrotechnical structures (hydroelectric power stations, dams, pumping stations, tunnels, etc.), artificial ponds (lakes, canals, reservoirs, etc.), ports, terminals, docks
  • If it is planned to create and operate hunting farms, nurseries, forest plantations 
  • If educational and research projects are planned

Who can order the FDP?

Who can order the FDP?

Tenants and land-users are potential customers of this service:

  • If they have just concluded a land lease or land use agreement (free use, indefinite or limited duration)
  • If they have a finished project needs to be changed

The project is being drafted in accordance with the Forest Plan of the subject of the Russian Federation and with the forest regulations of the forestry, where the plot is located. The project is regulated by Article 88 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation and the order №69 of the Federal Forestry Agency from 29.12.2012.

Content of the FDP

There are two steps in the realization of the FDP: project development and the expertise positive conclusion (if it is provided for by the treaty).

The FDP consists of three parts:

  • General part provides general information about the site, its infrastructure, activities being carried out for the use, protection and reproduction of forests and water bodies and faune
  • Special part - divided into sections which correspond to authorized uses under the forest contract
  • Thematic maps stand out

The customer: 

  • must provide the lease agreement or the contract of use of the site (free use, indefinite or limited duration). It is on the basis of the contract that the FDP can be developed for a particular site;
  • must indicate the name of the contact for Roslesinforg to coordinate all stages of the process.

What does the customer get?

  • Support at all stages of project 
  • Ready-made project for the forest use 
  • Expertise positive conclusion (if it is provided for by the treaty).

Timeframe of the work

The time frame for developing a project or making changes to an existing project depends on the size of the site, the type of use of the territory and the speed with which the customer provides information.

  • On average it can take from 1 week to 2-3 months
  • State expertise takes 30 days
  • Approval of project changes takes 10 days

The procedure for receiving the service

  • Fill out the form on the page and attach the documents
  • Our representative will contact you to discuss everything in detail
  • We prepare the offer, after we conclude the contract 
  • Our team collects information and all documents, develop the project, prepare cartographic materials 
  • The completed project is sent for state expertise  (if it is provided for by the treaty)

Why to choose us?

Roslesinforg has been engaged in the integrated management of commercial forestry and forestry tasks for 80 years. We are an official forest manager and we have a highly qualified team with extensive experience, so we can guarantee high quality of the developed documentation and its compliance with all legislative requirements. All work is performed in strict accordance with the contract and within a fixed time frame.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What will we do for you?


We will structure the information about types and volumes of use of forests allowed on the site and find the most effective option for the deployment of infrastructure facilities (forestry or non-forest infrastructure, forest-based processing infrastruct


We will make a list of activities aimed at the use, reproduction and protection of forests


We will draw up project and thematic forest maps for all requirements


We will help you to fill out an application for state expertise and send a ready package of documents to the executive authority (the customer can do it himself)


We will accompany documents until we receive a positive expert opinion


We will structure the information about types and volumes of use of forests allowed on the site and find the most effective option for the deployment of infrastructure facilities (forestry or non-forest infrastructure, forest-based processing infrastruct


We will make a list of activities aimed at the use, reproduction and protection of forests


We will draw up project and thematic forest maps for all requirements


We will help you to fill out an application for state expertise and send a ready package of documents to the executive authority (the customer can do it himself)


We will accompany documents until we receive a positive expert opinion

* The composition of each of the services can be formed according to your requirements

Fill out the FORM to receive the service: Forest development projects

Recipient Data
Attach the documents to the forest plot
File types: doc, docx, odt, rtf, pdf, png, jpg, tif, tiff, zip, rar.
The total number of files is no more than 15, the total size is no more than 5 MB.