Сообщите о проблеме и оцените результат её решения

Land surveying of objects included in the lands of the forest fund means the process of determining their area, boundaries, fixing these boundaries on the ground (if necessary), as well as entering these data into the Unified State Register of Natural Resources with the assignment of a cadastre number to the plot.

Forest development project (FDP) - is obligatory drawn before the start of any activity in the forest area. The FDP is also compiled in case of changing of activity, contract terms, forestry regulations or in case of changings of the location of objects on the forest plot
Legal entities and individuals can sign a contract with the State defining all conditions for the use of a particular forest area - terms, objectives, rights and obligations
Сadastral survey and entering information into the USRN
Determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of forest ranges and of the volume of wood to be harvested
Climate projects are activities aimed at reducing or preventing greenhouse gas emissions as well as increasing greenhouse gas absorption.
Forest management
Basis of forestry
Support of investment projects
Get a decision on the inclusion of the investment project into the priority list

State Forest Inventory

State Forest Inventory

About us


Roslesinforg is an all-Russian organization specializing in the comprehensive solution of forest accounting and forest management tasks in the interests of the state. The institution provides a full cycle of services to forestry enterprises, which will help to maximize the efficient and balanced use of forest resources in Russia.

In our work, we follow 3 main principles : to give information, to prepare documents and to carry out work for you.


We will carry out comprehensive forest management work for the state and business, as well as related services in every region of Russia.

We will prepare the documents required for trafficking in timber

We will carry out cadastral, land management, topographic and geodetic works.

We will collect, analyze and provide information about forestry

We will answer questions about the operation of the Unified State Automated Information System (LesEGAIS) and warn against fines


Our experts create and modernize information systems of various applications, they control them and ensure the functioning and use of it’s information resources.


Since 2008, we have been carrying out a strategic type of forest accounting work - the state forest inventory (GIL). We have at our disposal a unique database on the stock, quality and quantity of wood.

Since 2022 Roslesinforg is a federal forest inventory manager.

Interactive map
Forests of Russia

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